Stippple Partnership with Code for Pakistan for Civic Hackathon 2020



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The Civic Hackathon 2020, which took place from December 4th to 13th, brought together a diverse group of individuals, including technologists, designers, urban planners, social scientists, NGOs and CSOs, and government representatives, to develop innovative solutions that have a positive social or civic impact using technology, data, and digital tools. This year’s themes included Education, Environmental Sustainability, Fintech, Food Security, Health, and Public Safety and Security. The event was held online, providing participants with the flexibility to work on their projects after classes and/or work hours, and allowed participants from all over Pakistan, as well as international applicants to join in. Throughout the hackathon, participants received mentorship and guidance to develop their ideas and bring them to fruition. At the end of the event, the top 10 teams were announced and given the opportunity to pitch their projects to a panel of judges. The winners were chosen based on the potential impact and feasibility of their solutions. We are proud to have been a part of this successful event and look forward to continuing our partnership with Code for Pakistan in their efforts to drive positive change in the community through technology and innovation.

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