Design Thinking Workshop by Stippple at Lift Pakistan Conference



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Lead trainer

Topic: design thinking in prototyping

On November 6th, 2019, Lift Pakistan, a multiverse entrepreneurship conference organized by Jumpstart Pakistan, held an interactive training session on design thinking in prototyping. The session was led by Roshaan founder Stippple, who is an expert in the field of user experience and user interface design.

The conference brought together young talent from across Pakistan to learn about design and prototyping. The interactive training session focused on imparting the concept of design thinking to the participants. Roshaan shared their insights on how design is thinking made visual and the importance of design thinking in the design and prototyping process.

Roshaan said, “I had the privilege to interact with young talent of Pakistan and mentor them about how they can unleash their design capabilities. Design thinking is a crucial step in the design and prototyping process and I was able to impart this concept to the participants through an interactive training session.”


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